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The open hip angle is a key characteristic of kneeling chairs and is an important aspect of their ergonomic design

The open hip angle is a key characteristic of kneeling chairs and is an important aspect of their ergonomic design. It refers to the angle formed between the thighs and the upper body when sitting in a kneeling chair. Here's a closer look at the concept of the open hip angle in kneeling chairs:
Forward Tilted Pelvis: When sitting in a traditional chair, the pelvis is often in a more neutral or slightly backward-tilted position. This can lead to a slouched posture and increased pressure on the lower back.
Increased Hip Flexion: In a kneeling chair, the seat is sloped forward at an angle of around 20 to 30 degrees. This design encourages the user to sit with their pelvis tilted forward, creating a more open angle at the hips. This increased hip flexion helps maintain the natural curve of the spine and promotes a more upright posture.
Reduced Lumbar Pressure: By tilting the pelvis forward, the open hip angle reduces the pressure on the lumbar spine (lower back). This can be beneficial for individuals who experience lower back pain or discomfort when sitting for extended periods.
Engaged Core Muscles: Sitting in a kneeling chair requires the engagement of core muscles to maintain balance and stability. The open hip angle encourages users to use their abdominal and back muscles, promoting better posture and reducing the strain on the lower back.
Improved Circulation: The open hip angle can also help improve circulation in the legs. With less pressure on the back of the thighs and improved blood flow, users may experience reduced leg fatigue and discomfort during prolonged sitting.
Natural Spinal Alignment: Kneeling chairs aim to align the spine in a more natural and healthy position. This can reduce the risk of developing poor sitting habits that lead to posture-related issues over time.
It's important to note that while kneeling chairs can provide ergonomic benefits for some users, they may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions or mobility issues should consult with a healthcare professional before using a kneeling chair. Additionally, it may take some time for users to adjust to the unique sitting position of a kneeling chair, so gradual use and proper chair setup are recommended for optimal comfort and posture support.

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